The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board preserves, enhances, and restores the quality of California’s water resources, and ensures their proper allocation and efficient use for the benefit of present and future generations.
Water Board Oversight
This project is being conducted in cooperation with, and with oversight by, the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) through a voluntary site remediation agreement.
To learn more about the Water Board's cleanup program and access Geotracker, the agency’s internet-accessible database system, for the Ford Newport Beach project, please click here.
To sign up for project updates, please click here, fill out your name and email address, and select Former Ford Aeronutronics Facility, Newport Beach. Once signed up, a confirmation email will be sent to you that requires you to confirm your subscription.
For more information about the Water Board’s role in this project, please visit the Water Board’s project website or contact:
Jessica Law
Water Board Case Manager
The Water Board hosted a Newport Beach community meeting. Staff from the State Water Resources Control Board and Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment also attended to assist with questions from the public.